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The Robust Multigrid Technique: For Black-Box Software

The Robust Multigrid Technique: For Black-Box Software

ISBN: 9783110537550
Regular price $189.44 USD
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This book presents a detailed description of a robust pseudomultigrid algorithm for solving (initial-)boundary value problems on structured grids in a black-box manner. To overcome the problem of robustness, the presented Robust Multigrid Technique (RMT) is based on the application of the essential multigrid principle in a single grid algorithm. It results in an extremely simple, very robust and highly parallel solver with close-to-optimal algorithmic complexity and the least number of problem-dependent components. Topics covered include an introduction to the mathematical principles of multigrid methods, a detailed description of RMT, results of convergence analysis and complexity, possible expansion on unstructured grids, numerical experiments and a brief description of multigrid software, parallel RMT and estimations of speed-up and efficiency of the parallel multigrid algorithms, and finally applications of RMT for the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier Stokes equations. Potential readers are graduate students and researchers working in applied and numerical mathematics as well as multigrid practitioners and software programmers. ContentsIntroduction to multigridRobust multigrid techniqueParallel multigrid methodsApplications of multigrid methods in computational fluid dynamics
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