Algunos das de febrero / Some Days in February (Inspector Mascarell) (Spanish Edition)
Algunos das de febrero / Some Days in February (Inspector Mascarell) (Spanish Edition)
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Febrero de 1952. Dalena, una excompa�era de Patro que fue a la c�rcel por ayudarla hace a�os, acude a ella ahora para cambiar de vida. Cuando Patro se encuentra al chulo de Dalena asesinado en el piso que compart�an, recurre a su marido, Miquel Mascarell, que acaba involucrado en el caso para salvarlas a las dos. Dalena va a casarse con un rico industrial barcelon�s y su hermano ha sido abatido por las fuerzas del orden en un atraco perpetrado por el maquis, la guerrilla antifranquista. �Qui�n delat� al hermano de Dalena? �Est� la oscura mano del maquis detr�s de todo ello? �Qui�n es el hombre que quiere sacar a Dalena de la prostituci�n? �Qu� secretos se esconden detr�s del crimen? Miquel, movi�ndose en terrenos pantanosos y siempre de inc�gnito por su condici�n de exrepresaliado, debe enfrentarse a las sombras de un submundo erizado de peligros, traiciones y con el miedo constante de la represi�n de la dictadura. Una intensa historia cargada de emociones a flor de piel. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION February 1952. Dalena, Patro's former partner who went to jail for helping her out years ago, turns to her now looking to change her life. When Patro finds Dalena's pimp murdered in the apartment they shared, she turns to her husband, Miquel Mascarell, who ends up involved with the case in order to save them both. Dalena is going to marry a rich businessman from Barcelona and her brother has been shot by the policing forces of order in a robbery perpetrated by the maquis, the anti-Franco guerrilla. Who ratted out Dalena's brother? Are the dark forces of the maquis behind all this? Who is the man who wants to get Dalena out of prostitution? What secrets are hidden behind her brother's crime? Miquel, moving in swampy terrain and always incognito due to his status as a former victim of reprisal, must face an underworld bristling with danger, betrayal, and in constant fear of repression by the dictatorship. An intense story full of raw emotions.